- Softwarová architektura – nezúžený, klasický, úvod do softwarové architektury
- An Introduction to Software Architecture
- On the Definition of Software System Architecture
- On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules
- Architectural Blueprints – The “4+1” View Model of SW Architecture – článek diskutující způsob a formu dokumentace architektury systému
- Who Needs an Architect?
- A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It
- SwDesignSpec.doc
- MIL-STD-498_InterfaceReqsSpecification.doc
- MIL-STD-498_InterfaceDesignDescrption.doc
- MIL-STD-498_SwDesignDescription.doc
- MIL-STD-498_SysSubsysSpecification.doc
- MIL-STD-498_SysSubsysDesignDescription.doc
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