- When Telepathy Won’t Do: Requirements Engineering Key Practices
- Karl Wiegers Describes 10 Requirements Traps to Avoid
- Writing Effective Natural Language Requirements Specifications
- Be Careful With “Use Cases”
- Wieger K. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle. Microsoft Press, 1999. resp. 2nd ed.
- Just Enough Structured Analysis – klasická kniha Ed Yourdona ve wiki formátu!
- CxCheck_Requirementst.txt – checklist firmy Construx pro oblast Requirements
- Requirements_review_checklist.doc
- Use_case_checklist.doc
- Impact_analysis_checklist.doc
- srs_template.doc – velmi dobrý template pro tvorbu specifikace požadavků
- use_case_template.doc
- vision_and_scope_template.doc
- SAFE_BusinessRequirements.doc
- SAFE_SystemRequirements.doc
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