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Data health vs. Data quality

Do you think it is possible to have a healthy enterprise data environment despite the consumption and storage of poor-quality data? Caleb Scharf, in his book The Ascent of Information, challenges readers to think about the term “data health”. Let me pick up the gauntlet he has thrown and elaborate a bit on this topic. Intuitively, I have never been a fan of data …

Miro Piroh: “Climbing is like playing chess—you need to think and choose a good strategy.”

He has been programming for more than 20 years, and this year he will celebrate his 15th anniversary at Profinit, where he specializes in C# and .NET development. However, Miro Piroh is a pro at more than just writing code. For years, he has also had a passion for climbing, so we decided to ask him something about that. In the interview, …

Business and Data Intelligence: Tables or networks?

I dare say that the vast majority of business intelligence solutions we can see everywhere still run on relational databases. No wonder. I remember how amazed I was when I came to understand the simplicity and beauty of relational algebra and learned of the versatility and power of SQL. Relational databases are based on tables that are interconnected through relations such as “this …

How we implemented BankID at ČSPS

As of June, the bank identity system can also be used in the private sector. One of the companies that has already started using BankID is Česká spořitelna – penzijní společnost, a.s., where BankID has been implemented by Profinit. Read the interview with ČSPS’s IT Director Daniel Šarman and Profinit’s Lukáš Mejdrech to find out how we did it. Dan, …

Consultant by day, paraglider by night

In June, the race Gin Czech Open 2021 took place in the Krkonoše Mountains, announced as the Czech XC Paragliding Championship. A total of 70 pilots participated, one of whom represented Team Profinit. Read the interview with Profinit’s Patrik Faistaver. How did you get into paragliding, and what do you like best about it? I got into paragliding through a childhood friend …

A Data-Driven Society

  “In God we trust. All others must bring data.” — W. Edwards Deming   Making decisions based on data is a sensible idea now accepted by the vast majority of managers. There is also a fairly broad consensus on the prerequisites for data-driven decision-making in companies. First and foremost, the goals for the decisions must be defined. Then, there has to …

Advanced topics in cloud computing

What does it mean to start using cloud services efficiently? From a business perspective, the most important thing is to gain added value compared to on-premises solutions. That’s what my last post was about. In this post, I will discuss several areas that are important from a technical perspective. The continuous development of the cloud The cloud is a new technology, and it is …

Let’s get serious about the cloud!

The cloud is cool. How can it be leveraged to get maximum added value? We live in the cloud age. Most of the internet services I use run on the cloud. The business applications our customers use are also mostly on the cloud—and not just a private cloud, but often a public cloud too. That’s no surprise. Today, getting started with cloud technologies …

What Data Mesh Is and When to Consider Using It

Data mesh is such a new concept that it doesn’t even have its own Wikipedia page yet (in May 2021). Despite this, or maybe because of this, it’s good to know what it’s for. Data mesh is a data management approach for specific data repositories. It is especially useful when multiple groups, usually groups of analysts, work agilely with large volumes of …

Data projects: Will the engineering approach stand up to managed evolution?

When building data management enterprise solutions such as metadata storage, data warehouses, data lakes and the like, we often encounter a requirement to combine the agile approach with a guaranteed fixed scope, delivery date and budget. The term agile is undoubtedly being misused in such cases. The customer is probably referring to its idea that we will start doing something and be …