Theme: Procrastination

Best online resources for Data Science

Understanding Data science is becoming one of the most demanded skill sets in the 21st-century job market. Data are flowing everywhere in ever-evolving magnitude. Storing them is costly, and business better finds ways how to turn them into profit. In some industries, the so-called ‘trickle-down’ effect is slowly observable, as medium-sized companies are now trying to surf the Big Data …

3 common pitfalls in building a Data Science team

by Petr Paščenko, Head of Data Science at Profinit In the last few years, I have seen several attempts to build a good data science/machine learning team both at Profinit as well as with our clients. Over time, I have observed several notorious anti-patterns, which tend to be very common in the field. Here are the three most noteworthy examples of such pitfalls: …

What is Data Science? or How to explain data science to your grandma?

Despite being one of the most hyped-up job titles of the 21st century, explaining what a data scientist actually does so that your grandma would understand can often be challenging. There is still a vast proportion of the population out there that have never even heard this term before. Whether you are an aspiring data scientist or someone whose job description still …

Don’t cry for me …

Sorry, I don’t have Argentina on my mind. Indeed, we are in the software business, and you’ve probably already guessed that it’s something about that pile of possible disasters. You are right; I want to talk about systems and requirements unimaginatively called non-functional.  When they are non-f…, why the hell should we bother, excuse my French. OK, let’s not get into linguistics. …

Big Data Harvest

Well, another autumn is here, and our data grow bigger every year (Based on a prediction from the IDC report, the global data volume will grow exponentially from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes (44×1021 bytes) between 2013 and 2020). We use it to feed ever-hungry sales, marketing, accounting, management, and day-to-day operations, then there is the stuff we are obliged to …

Life After Work

Our 500 Profinit people are quite a diverse bunch. Some of us swim in Java waters or stitch .Net fabric; others build and stack data warehouses. We have scholars immersed in data science, and even a few weirdos testing their own mind against an artificial one. Let’s not forget the back office, human resources and, well, managers are also humans, while salespeople …

2017? Wow!

Based on the audited results, Profinit’s revenue for 2017 reached 597.5 million CZK (over 23.1 million Euros), a 33% increase compared to 2016. The latest study from IDC reported that the year-on-year growth of the custom software development market in the Czech Republic was 12.4%, meaning that Profinit speeded ahead more than 2.5 times faster! This only confirms our well-deserved third …