
  • Frontend: Angular, React, React Native, Swift, Kotlin
  • Backend: .NET, .NET stack, Node, Spring, Java, Java stack
  • Big Data & Data Science: Kafka, Spark, Hive, Hadoop, Elastic, Kibana, Cognos
  • Data layer: MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Oracle, Teradata, PowerBI, Informatica
  • Data modelling: R, Databricks, Python
  • DevOps: compatible with most frameworks and tools, such as Jenkins, Sonarqube, BrowserStack, Jira, Docker, Kubernetes, Slack
  • ESB / Integration platform: Talend
  • Deployment: on-premise (standard servers), hybrid clouds (Cloudera), cloud (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform)

Quality & Project Management Standards

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 20000
  • ITIL