Why search the law books? Just ask the AI!


  • Thanks to AI, the ZákonyMluví.cz portal can search the sections of the Civil Code and answer people’s questions in a comprehensible way.
  • Profinit’s data team allowed us to see for ourselves how AI navigates the labyrinth of Czech legislation.
  • Similar solutions have already been successfully deployed to handle less demanding texts, such as professional company guidelines, user manuals, drug information leaflets, etc.
  • Profinit also deploys similar AI at companies. This makes it easier for their employees to get answers that they would otherwise have to search for, for example, in internal guidelines.

Petr Paščenko

Petr Paščenko, Head of Data Science, Profinit

This week, we presented the result of an AI experiment called “Zákony mluví” (“The Laws Speak”). This innovative concept uses generative AI to find answers to questions in the Civil and Traffic Codes. Instead of a complicated search through extensive legal documents, just ask a question and the AI will try its best to answer it.

Zákonymluví.cz shows a possible path forward for working with large text codes. Companies can use ChatGPT to give their customers and employees easy access to information through interactive dialogue. This is another significant step towards the true democratization of data and increased efficiency in a wide range of common work activities.

“When I was studying AI 15 years ago, I could not have imagined that I would see the kind of breakthrough we are seeing today,” says Petr Paščenko, Head of Data Science at Profinit. “A year ago, a similar solution would have taken an expert team several years to create, but today it can be created literally in a few weeks.”

As a leading provider of software solutions in the Czech Republic, we are intensively engaged in the development of user applications over generative artificial intelligence. We provide modern software solutions to the largest Czech and foreign companies. “Zákony mluví” is an example of innovation that we offer not only to our customers but also to the public to demonstrate the current possibilities of generative AI.


At the same time, it shows that AI is far from perfect, and even in this case needs to be constantly improved. Profinit’s solutions always include a reference to the relevant section so that the searcher can check the relevant part of the legislation directly.


Petr Paščenko

Petr Paščenko, presenting the app to the clients of Profinit