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Database Systems in Practice

As every year, at the end of summer I updated the lectures for the course called Database Systems in Practice that we teach at universities. This time I decided to radically update our computer workshop material. For my students, I have the same environment prepared on various database servers.  The students look for errors in the relational model, write scripts for changes in …

Software Development in Times of a Developer Shortage – Part III

This is the last part of the series where Profinit’s CEO, Tomas Pavlik, offers recommendations on how to avoid serious mistakes when searching for developers for your team or when shopping for custom software development when there is a serious shortage of qualified software professionals in Europe. 5th Recommendation: Don’t let a civil engineer do your heart surgery Software development is a demanding field …

Software Development in Times of a Developer Shortage – Part II

Here is the second segment of the three-part series where Profinit’s CEO, Tomas Pavlik, offers recommendations on how to avoid serious mistakes when searching for developers for your team or when shopping for custom software development when there is a serious shortage of qualified software professionals in Europe. 3rd Recommendation: Delivery management is the key   I am convinced that the success of …

Don’t cry for me …

Sorry, I don’t have Argentina on my mind. Indeed, we are in the software business, and you’ve probably already guessed that it’s something about that pile of possible disasters. You are right; I want to talk about systems and requirements unimaginatively called non-functional.  When they are non-f…, why the hell should we bother, excuse my French. OK, let’s not get into linguistics. …

Software Development in Times of a Developer Shortage – Part I

This is the first segment of a three-part series where Profinit’s CEO, Tomas Pavlik, offers recommendations on how to avoid serious mistakes when searching for developers for your team or when shopping for custom software development when there is a serious shortage of qualified software professionals in Europe. Over the last two or three years, we have seen a new trend emerge among developers …

Big Data Harvest

Well, another autumn is here, and our data grow bigger every year (Based on a prediction from the IDC report, the global data volume will grow exponentially from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes (44×1021 bytes) between 2013 and 2020). We use it to feed ever-hungry sales, marketing, accounting, management, and day-to-day operations, then there is the stuff we are obliged to …

3A Systems– 42 Thoughts

3A systems described in the previous article “3A Systems – Definition“ are data processing systems whose development presents the same problems that need to be addressed and the same decisions that must be made. Getting to know them before getting deep into system planning and development can help us avoid serious mistakes and reach our objectives. Below, I have compiled a list …

Life After Work

Our 500 Profinit people are quite a diverse bunch. Some of us swim in Java waters or stitch .Net fabric; others build and stack data warehouses. We have scholars immersed in data science, and even a few weirdos testing their own mind against an artificial one. Let’s not forget the back office, human resources and, well, managers are also humans, while salespeople …

3A Systems – Definition

Looking back on the data projects I have come across over the last 20 years, I see that when observed from a proper distance, the majority of them had the same architecture I refer to as a 3A system. The commonality of 3A systems rests in the phases of data processing. Data always passes through three main layers, where it is also stored, often permanently. …

DevOps for Everyone?

DevOps, a term suggesting some sort of link between development and operations, has been a hit the last few years. Everyone talks about it, many want it, but, much like the agile approach, there are many views on what it really is. In this text, I am not trying to declare a single truth (which does not exist anyway) or convince you that DevOps …