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What Data Mesh Is and When to Consider Using It

Data mesh is such a new concept that it doesn’t even have its own Wikipedia page yet (in May 2021). Despite this, or maybe because of this, it’s good to know what it’s for. Data mesh is a data management approach for specific data repositories. It is especially useful when multiple groups, usually groups of analysts, work agilely with large volumes of …

Data projects: Will the engineering approach stand up to managed evolution?

When building data management enterprise solutions such as metadata storage, data warehouses, data lakes and the like, we often encounter a requirement to combine the agile approach with a guaranteed fixed scope, delivery date and budget. The term agile is undoubtedly being misused in such cases. The customer is probably referring to its idea that we will start doing something and be …

Let’s dive into async/await in C#: Part 3

Asynchronous programming in C# and .NET is a very powerful tool. And just like any other tool, it can be used incorrectly. This can result in errors in the program that are difficult to debug. In the last part of this series (see the 1st part or the 2nd part), we’ll take a look at the most common mistakes programmers make when …

Let’s dive into async/await in C#: Part 2

In this part, we’ll go over the more advanced uses of asynchronous programming with async/await in C# and take a look under the hood to see how it all works. What exactly is an asynchronous method? So far, we’ve shown you how to create an asynchronous method that calls other asynchronous methods. This is the most common case in practice, but …

Let’s dive into async/await in C#: Part 1

The use of async/await launched a big boom in asynchronous programming in .NET, mainly because it is so easy to use. But not every developer knows exactly what lies beneath async/await, which can lead to unconscious errors. In this blog series of 3 parts (see the 2nd part, see the 3rd part) we will give you a look under the hood and …

“And why don’t we learn about it in school when it’s so interesting?”

Although, as an expert in information management, he is primarily involved in data warehousing and business intelligence, in recent years, he has also been fascinated by programming languages for children such as Scratch. Read the article by Petr Hájek that summarizes his experiences and impressions from teaching a programming course for children in collaboration with makeITtoday. Many years ago, I got the …

Data Vault 2.0: A current perspective

This post isn’t a textbook on data vault modelling. It’s a reflection on what data vault methodology is good for and why it’s worthwhile to take another look at it today. At the very end of the last century, two strong opinions emerged on the structure of data warehouses. Bill Inmon defined the basic principles of data warehouses (subject-oriented, time-variant, non-volatile, and integrated) …

“In the 13 years that I’ve worked here, I’ve never met anyone who I didn’t like as a person.”

We interviewed our long-time colleague Martin Hlavatý, who has worked at Profinit as a developer, analyst, and team leader and now is our delivery manager. How does he view Profinit, what motivates him to succeed, and how does he think Profinit differs from other companies? How long have you been working for Profinit and how did you get here? I started …

Where can I get vaccinated? The application from OpenDataLab will tell you!

Go to the website to get an overview of the openings to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The goal of the application is to give Czechs a quick overview of vaccination capacity, which, until now, hasn’t been available anywhere. The application was developed by Marek Sušický and Jan Staněk from OpenDataLab, the joint workplace of the Faculty of Information Technology of …

Build once, deploy many in React: Dynamic configuration properties

Build once, deploy many is an essential principle of software development. The main idea is to use the same bundle for all environments, from testing to production. This approach enables easy deployment and testability and is considered a fundamental principle of continuous delivery. It is also part of the twelve-factor methodology. As crucial as it is, it has not received significant …