WEBINAR: Revealing clients’ behaviour from transactional data

We are living in a world of relations. Every click on a link, every article, image or video you have seen, every like you have given – those all make relations between you and some content. This fact is not applicable to social media exclusively. In the land of banking transactions, you are creating relations by sending and receiving money. Real, hard-earned money. Therefore, every relation is even stronger!

Analysing transaction footprints is another key to your client’s mind. Does he spend a lot on betting? Probably not the person you’d like to lend money to. Is he donating some money to charity? Bad time to offer a loan, try some investment products instead. In this talk, we will describe the process of transaction classification used in one of our products, ‘Instalment detector’, developed for one of the major European banks.

Join our webinar with Profinit’s Data Scientist Dominik Matula and discover all the nooks and crannies of one of our state-of-the-art algorithms!