“Ahead through knowledge” isn’t our slogan just by chance. We are very well aware that the fruit of our work can only be as good as the people who do it, so we make sure the employees we hire have a quality education. And education definitely doesn’t end when someone gets a job. We have our own education system here at Profinit that we call Profinit Education.
Profinit education is an integral part of every employee’s agenda. It is a comprehensive system that offers a wide range of opportunities for professional growth, from foreign language courses and the Profinit library to vocational training and conferences both domestic and foreign. Education knows no limits, and even a recent graduate can work their way up to a senior position through hard work thanks to our open career culture.
All of us at Profinit can complete a wide variety of training courses. The course list is continually updated to reflect employee interests. This year, we have more than 30 courses planned, so far, and although most of them are technical or business-related, we also offer courses on soft skills such as presentation skills and assertiveness.
At Profinit, we have the opportunity to attend IT conferences such as WebExpo Prague and Liferay Europe. It is also possible to attend other conferences of interest as long as they benefit professional growth.
Professional certifications are another option that we support. We regularly update our list, and it is possible to choose a certificate that is not on the list upon agreement—in such cases, its usefulness at Profinit is taken into account.
Language Lessons
Everyone who really wants to can learn English, German, French or Spanish. We work together with prestigious language schools to offer 90-minute lessons that take place once a week with a native speaker or Czech instructor.
Our company motto “Ahead through Knowledge” constantly motivates us to become more educated, professionally knowledgeable and well-read. We’ve put together our own Profinit library that to date holds more than a thousand professional books on IT, sales, finance and HR, and we are continually adding new titles.
Professional Community
We regularly meet with professional communities. We have in-depth discussions with groups both large and small on various predetermined topics. Of course, we mostly discuss technology, but from time to time we diversify with lessons learned from projects, reviews of interesting books or soft skills trainings.
Collaboration with Universities
Our greatest joy is our long-term collaboration with the most prominent Czech and Slovak universities. We teach courses on software engineering, business information systems and big data technology, and students can get real experience working on our projects.
We collaborate on research projects. For example, with the Faculty of Information Technology at ČVUT in Prague, we’ve created OpenDataLab, which helps students with their final theses and creating beneficial projects (such as a few months ago when some students did a project called Geotrashing, which streamlines the collection of sorted waste).
We are a driving force behind the elite IT SPY competition that selects the best IT Master’s theses from 20 Czech and Slovak universities each year. The theses often benefit society as a whole as did last year’s winner who designed a six-legged rescue robot that can move autonomously in unfamiliar confined environments and help with rescue missions.