The Stage is a type of BI solution where initial ad hoc requests for data and information start to be repeated and thus require more standardised access to data. Securing the data is performed via loading the data from the source system into one database layer where the data is stored to produce the reports.

First automation emerges especially to orchestrate the export of data from source systems, but still, manual processing plays an important role. First demands appear from business users to define informal SLA when the outputs will be ready.

What you have

  • Regular demand for the output you can generate
  • Semi-official dedicated storage point (database, stage) where you store data that you need to produce the output
  • Job to gather the data you need into the stage with basic automation to export and load the data
  • More time (official allocation) to work on the data topic
  • First metadata describing a load of data into the stage and the structures you created for the data in the stage

What you need

  • To secure the load and to increase automation as there is a demand for regular provision of the output
  • To fulfill business demands in terms of quality and frequency of delivery (SLA)
  • Some colleagues to help me with the job (a team)

We will help you with the solution

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What you will get:

  • An assessment of your data needs
  • Then, you can take advantage of a free 30-minute nonobligatory consultation with BI&DWH expert Petr Hajek and get insights on what data solution suits you best


Est. 1998
Mature capabilities,
Sustainable delivery processes,
Innovative approach
Technical delivery staff and project managers
At the end of 2023, company turnover totalled 38.4 million Euro
Our main clients include banking, insurance and telecommunications companies in Europe
& Telco
AI Assistant for Raiffeisenbank
Profinit dramatically aided the bank’s improvement of operational efficiency.

Raiffeisenbank turned to its partner, Profinit, to leverage its experience and expertise in AI and machine learning. Together, they developed an AI assistant that enhances productivity in the bank’s Back Office support activities. Read the full case study.

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