Profinit is primarily known for custom application development, information management and other software services. Nevertheless, using our extensive data expertise, we have quietly developed a tool that has grown into an impressive mature product – ClueMaker.
ClueMaker is a visual analytics tool. It displays a dynamic image of the relations, links and flows between any subjects you choose. It can distinguish the strength of a relation and the intensity of communication, highlight features of particular interest and extend the investigation in the desired direction.
ClueMaker can combine up to 13 data sources on one canvas, where they will be at your fingertips. In addition to Excel and common databases such as MSSQL, Oracle and DB2 we have recently added support for Firebird, Hive, Splunk, Netezza and Impala.
Its uses include credit risk mitigation, insurance fraud investigation, investigative journalism, supplier checking, customer data analysis, making sense of heaps of big data and many other e-discovery cases.
ClueMaker is a desktop application, and it can be yours right away. We also offer a time-limited free demo version.
Don’t stay clueless. Check out ClueMaker on the product website.