Unusual Control Structures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ goto * Are gotos used only as a last resort, and then only to make code more readable and maintainable? * If a goto is used for the sake of efficiency, has the gain in efficiency been measured and documented? * Are gotos limited to one label per routine? * Do all gotos go forward, not backward? * Are all goto labels used? return * Does each routine use the minimum number of returns possible? * Do returns enhance readability? Recursion * Does the recursive routine include code to stop the recursion? * Does the routine use a safety counter to guarantee the routine stops? * Is recursion limited to one routine? * Is the routine's depth of recursion within the limits imposed by the size of the program's? * Is recursion the best way to implement the routine? Is it better than simple iteration? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright © 1996-1998 Construx Software Builders, Inc.